Terms and Conditions

The following Terms and Conditions revised in June 2023 replaces all previous T&Cs you may have obtained. Please be aware that any phone calls made to our customer contact center may be recorded for the purpose of training and ensuring high quality.

Course commencement date

The commencement date of your course is the date displayed on the Provix Academy website. You will receive an email at least 2 days prior to the official start date.


You can reserve your bookings through phone, email, or online, and they will be considered as provisional until payment is made or the booking form is signed. Once your bookings and purchases are completed and accepted, they will be considered firm orders, regardless of whether you choose to pay online or offline. It is your responsibility to ensure that you are at the appropriate level of learning to benefit from the qualification. If you require more information or wish to confirm whether the qualification level is suitable for you, please contact us at +91 8891055667.

Please note that once you have started using our training materials or have commenced the course, changing your mind will not entitle you to a partial or full refund.


Students are required to attend every scheduled module as specified in the authorized syllabus and published course plan for the program.

In accordance with the regulations governing qualifications, students who intend to cancel their course will not receive a refund, except in cases of extraordinary personal circumstances like severe illness or bereavement.

Work-related matters are not considered as valid extenuating circumstances or legitimate reasons for altering attendance dates, and no refund or partial refund of course fees will be provided.

Cancellation of course and prices by Provix Academy

Provix Academy retains the authority to modify or revoke any courses, workshops, course schedules, dates, listed prices, or Terms and Conditions at its discretion and without prior notice.

Provix Academy holds the right to cancel any course up to two weeks prior to its scheduled commencement. Students are strongly advised against making travel arrangements prior to this period. Any expenses related to travel are solely the responsibility of the participant, and Provix Academy will not provide any reimbursement for such costs.

Intellectual property

The intellectual property rights of all materials provided by Provix Academy and its partners are retained by Provix Academy. Unless explicitly stated otherwise in writing, worldwide copyright is claimed by Provix Academy and its partners.

In order to maintain anonymity during the assessment process, assignments submitted by delegates of Provix Academy are not identified. Marked assignments or exam scripts are not returned to delegates as per the policy of Provix Academy. The content of assignments or exams will not be disclosed unless explicit permission is granted by the original author.

Liability and indemnity

Provix Academy, its employees, or agents shall not be liable for any consequential, indirect, or special damages arising from or related to the execution or non-execution of this Agreement, except as explicitly stated here. This Agreement does not restrict or exempt either party from liability for death or personal injury caused by their own negligence.

Force majeure

If either party is unable to perform their obligations under this Agreement due to circumstances beyond their control, including but not limited to events such as Acts of God, Government restrictions, wars, riots, insurrections, or any other cause that is beyond their reasonable control, neither party will be held liable for damages or have the right to terminate the Agreement based on such delay or default